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How Flexible are your services?My practice is flexible to meet your needs and so I use various mediums such as face to face, audio and video contact, whichever is most convenient to you.
How Does your Counselling work?As an integrative Counsellor, I believe that no two people are alike and for this reason I do not apply a ‘one size fits all’ approach to any of my therapeutic practices. You are unique, and the importance of your unique self is central to any therapies with me.
How does your Coaching work?My coaching capacity is similar to that of counselling in many respects. As your coach, I will be more interactive in providing guidance, instructions, challenges and help you plan and build the targets that you would like to achieve.
How Does your Healing work?As a healer, I use a combination of methods including energy activation, hands, prayer, wisdom and inherited knowledge to support you. I believe that sometimes, we sabotage ourselves for whatever reason BUT All living beings can heal, if they allow it.
Why should I talk to you?Well firstly, because I would love to hear from you, but most importantly it’s because we could explore ways that I could be of assistance. We live in a stressful world and there’s so much happening that sometimes we do not realise how much that we are affected by it. Additionally, if we are pessimistic, heavily stressed, attached to negative belief systems or agendas or continuously buying into negativity, this low vibrational energy will infiltrate our aura, causing us to be heavy and eventually feel disconnected from our true selves and/or source. Healing, counselling or coaching could support you to get back to focus and you may begin to experience the very best version of yourself.
I am worried about privacy and stuff:During Counselling sessions, I provide a safe and secure space where you explore your thoughts without limitations with my support. The benefits of which will lead to you gaining strength, growth and a capacity to embrace and make changes in your world. Your session will be held in a private and confidential setting. Whatever you say will only be between you and your therapist. There are only few occassions where I am bound by law to reveal information.
Can I trust you?The decision is ultimately yours, my promise to you is that you will be: 1) Listened to: There are so many times when this is all a person wants. Just to be in a space where they can express themselves without judgement, fear, or interruption. 2) Respected: One of the challenges that we face in society is judgement. Judgement of self, of each other, fear of judgement and then there’s the feeling of having to meet expectations of others. During our sessions, you will have opportunity to confront and let go if you wish, without judgement. Your views, needs and wants will be respected and treated as confidential. 3) Assisted: Self-reflection is one of the assistance tools used, which enables you to develop insight and self-acceptance. This is usually a useful tool to address these issues for instance where due to past experiences, our dreams are lost and one gives up or feels unworthy. 4) Encouraged: As we evolved over the centuries, we have lost the tool of encouragement; we become so busy in our own lives and technology. However, the memories are in our DNA! The encouragement element will be present during our sessions. 5) Given Tools: These are creative ways of helping you explore and develop. Your vision is the most important in their world; and it is important that it is clear. I will help you look at that. 6) Challenged: The word challenge is sometimes considered in the most negative way. However, challenging in the counselling sense is a way of helping you go back to your decision, personal programming and beliefs to have a good look and see through any veils. 7) Guaranteed Privacy and Confidentiality: whatever the reason you have contacted us, I will abide by the UK’s BACP’s code of ethics. The code emphasises utmost respect for clients and their privacy. Therefore, whatever is said within any session will remain highly private and confidential unless I am bound by legislation to disclose. An example where disclosure may be necessary are where a child or a person’s life is at risk. Finally, I feel like our lives are just too precious to simply accept mediocrity and that there is absolutely nothing wrong with wanting a better life. Therapeutic healing, therapy, coaching and meditation are some proven ways of improving one’s life, leading to benefits such as personal fulfilment, inner peace, psychological change, confidence and economic change. The key however is that you are in the driver’s seat!
I am worried. What will it be like talking to you?YOU are not alone. I'm here for YOU. I will sit with you and together we will explore ways of working things out. Part of the therapy space will include kindness, curiosity, compassion and humour. Yes, we could laugh too! My hope for you is that you speak kindly to yourself and dare to dream.
I am not sure that I need to talk to someone. How will I know?Not all wounds are visible; symptoms may include: • Nightmares • Guilt • Poor judgment • Intrusive memories • Poor memory • Survivor guilt • Flashbacks • Startle reflex • Hyper-vigilance • Irritability • Anger and rage • Self-destructive behaviours • Lack of feelings • Insomnia • Poor concentration • Hopelessness • Poor self-esteem • Negative self-image • Apathy • Mistrust • Isolation • Avoidance • Excessive blame • Dissociation
What is the Difference between Reiki and Sekhem Healing?Clinical evidence has proven that Reiki works! In a specific clinical research, the case studies proved showed that there was strong evidence that Reiki was responsible for positive biological responses both in humans and animals. Reiki is now approved for use in many hospitals and hospices both in the USA and UK. There has been no research done on Sekhem to date, but as it is a stronger modality, no doubt if the results would be astounding! Both Reiki and Sekhem are safe and natural healing methods, using hands only, connecting to the physical and non physical aspect of self. Suitable for all. including children, adults, pregnant, sick and healthy people, on premises, plants and animals. The word Sekhem means Power of Powers. The word Reiki is a combination of 2 words. Put simply, Reiki is the guided flow of life force energy. Rei means "God's Wisdom or the Higher Power" and Ki is "life force energy" . Reiki was received and first practiced in Japan then the knowledge and practice spread in USA, whereas, Sekhem was received in Egypt and then taught and practiced globally. Although Reiki is more popular than Sekhem, Sekhem is much older and only was rediscovered many years after the end of Egyptian Dynasty. The Egyptians had the knowledge and practiced Sekhem. Whereas, Mikao Usai received Reiki knowledge in the late 1800s and since then Reiki has been in use. Sekhem energy is pure unconditional love, drawn from the limitless sea of pure living light energy. It is a very high vibrational frequency and when received, it will feel different, stronger and act in quicker disbursement of energy within the body, simultaneously working on all levels of your being. Reiki is also pure and unconditional love energy but draws from the universe to support and heal our energy systems in order to achieve a higher vibrational energy, in a gentle manner, so you may need lots more sessions. Both Reiki and Sekhem are drawn from a higher source of light energy and practitioners are trained to provide either or both. In order to activate Reiki or Sekhem, the healer will use energy received from source (ie light) together with symbology, which is sacred, pure, filled with love and light. Both Reiki and Sekhem are healing systems of light energy, which is applied, using the hands and mind only to help and support you. There is no religion attached to healing, just pure love and light coming from our universe. Sekhem incorporates a few aspects of Reiki because as we are one, light is one too even if different angles are used. They are bound to have some similarity. Both could be received either in person or by distant healing. Distant healing is highly effective because energy moves and can be directed. Therefore, the same principle applies to a client who requests the distant healing. How do I know which one is right for me? For those who are intuitive, I would say go with what attracts you. For those who are inquisitive, please give therapyandhealer a call and we can have a chat. From that point, you will be able to make a more informed decision.
What is the difference between the Chakra and the Aura?Chakras and Auras are both energy systems that we all carry, (but each having a different function and located in different parts of the body. It is this energy system that connects to the oneness. While the Chakras are found mostly within the body, the Aura is like circles of varying colours expanding around the body. The flow of energy between the Chakras and aura is continuous. Energy passes through the chakras into your aura and onto the outside world, and from the outside world back through your auric layers to and through your chakras to your body. This energy exchange is what gives you that psychic sense of your surroundings and is directly affected by your thoughts, emotions, health, and state of mind. Thus, a chakras and aura can get damaged, and one must put effort into balancing and repair. A total of 22 Chakras have been identified and some believe that there might be more. However, there are 7 popular chakras, which will be addressed below. The first Chakra is called the root Chakra. It is located at the base of the spine (perineum, pelvic plexus). It is called the Muladhara in Sanskrit. The colour associated with the base chakra is red! The second Chakra is called the Sacral Chakra. It is located above the root but below the navel. It is called the Svandisthana in Sanskrit. The colour associated with the Sacral chakra is Orange! The third Chakra is called the Solar Plexus. It is located just behind and slightly above the navel. It is called the Manipura in Sanskrit. The colour associated with the Solar Plexus chakra is yellow. Think of the sun! The fourth Chakra is called the heart Chakra. It is located just behind the sternum, level with the heart. It is called Anahata in Sanskrit. The colour associated with the heart chakra is Green! The fifth Chakra is the throat Chakra. It is located behind the well of the throat, pharyngeal plexus. It is called Visuddhi in Sanskrit. The colour associated with the throat chakra is Blue! The sixth Chakra is the brow Chakra or third eye. It is located behind the space between the eyebrow mid - brain at the medulla and prneat plexuses. It is called Ajna in Sanskrit. The colour associated with this chakra is Indigo! The seventh Chakra is the Crown Chakra. It is located at the top of the head/ crown of the head. It is called Sahasrara in Sanskrit. The colour associated with this chakra is Violet or white! The Aura: Your aura means the layers around your body and can be seen in various colours. The first starts with a red layer called the enteric layer. The second is an orange layer called the emotional layer. The third is a yellow layer called the mental layer. The fourth is a green layer called the causal layer. The firth is a blue layer called the atomic layer. The sixth is an indigo layer called the intuitive layer. The seventh is a violet layer called the cosmic layer. With trained eyes, you can see your or someone else’s dominant aura. The dominant aura is an indication of persona, interests, gifts and levels of energy of a person. Symptoms such as anxiety, depression, anger, over competitiveness, confidence, rigidity may indicate whether a person’s chakra is balanced or imbalanced. Treatments to bring a chakra into balance could involve, music therapy, counselling, use of crystals, Reiki or Sekhem healing. Although similar methods could be used for aura healing, but working on an aura is more intense and require other methods.
How do I get Counselling?It’s easy, just select counselling on the pay page. Once payment has been made, book your preferred day and time. Please book for 1 hour.
What is Counselling?Counselling is a process whereby any individual sits with a professionally trained therapist. Some counsellors are affiliated with organisations such as the BACP. The Counselling therapist will use a chosen modality to work with you in helping the you to discover and deal with the issue that are brought to therapy. Counsellors help you see the issue with a view to guiding you to process it.
What are the 3 types of therapy?There are numerous types of therapy. 3 types of therapy that I use are Person centred, Humanistic approach and Solution focused therapy.
How much does therapy cost UK?Therapy costs vary, depending on therapist modality, location and preference. The costs across the UK can be between- £30 - £150 ph.
Are counselling and therapy the same?These words are sometimes used interchangeably. However, counselling is one of various forms of therapy. Therapy as defined by the Oxford dictionary is the treatment of a physical problem or an illness. While counselling is the act of professionally assisting and guiding clients with the aim of resolving personal, social, or psychological difficulties.
Are counselling psychologists doctors?Counsellors are not doctors and cannot prescribe medication. You will have to contact a doctor or a Psychiatrist if you require medication.
Are counselling and psychotherapy the same?Both Counselling and Psychotherapy help people overcome psychological difficulties by working in different ways with the client sometimes deep rooted, humanistic, existential or solution focussed way or. Some Counsellors use psychotherapy during sessions. Psychotherapists work at the root considering how the structure of the client's personality is affecting their experience. The qualification route for both are different.
How to pronounce SekhemProunounced as: SEK-KEM
What is Sekhem healing or Sekhem EnergySekhem is an energy healing system rediscovered in the Great Pyramid at Giza, Egypt and handed down through teaching and training. Sekhem is connected to Sekhmet an Egyptian Goddess. A lot of knowledge and symbology has also been received which can be used to help anyone who wants to release blocked energies. Sekhem is a strong energy, it wastes no time in clearing you and you will feel it! Once you have had treatments, your aura will have had a re-boost, your deeply held traumas and fears get lifted and eventually healed every time you have a session. Thereby leading you to freedom to be!
Sekhem Healing /Sekhem Healing Training Near MeContact We provide online/remote and face to face therapy. Based in London UK.
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